Friday, September 19, 2014

The FAA wants to dictate how private property (hangars) are used

The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) has proposed a policy (docket number FAA-2014-0463) on the non-aeronautical use of airport hangars. This proposal is another example of the central government's overreach and must be rejected.

I agree that airport property is scarce. I agree that is wise that such property be used primarily for purposes directly related to aviation and which cannot reasonably be conducted away from an airport.

That said, when a hangar is used only for storage or maintenance of an aircraft, any reasonable person can see that there is a lot of wasted space inside that structure. It is reasonable that a person or other entity that owns, rents, or leases a hangar has a right to use his/her property efficiently, even if it means using the property partly for non-aeronautical purposes so long as the primary use of the hangar is for aviation.

It is unfortunate some government agents feel like they have authority to dictate the use of private or business property simply because an airport gets a bit of funding from the central government. The fact that hangars are usually built without funds from the central government -- even on airports that receive some federal money -- makes that bureaucratic power grab over those hangars even more alarming.

I support the comment given by AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association). The proposal in docket number FAA-2014-0463 must be amended to protect the right to use hangar space efficiently so long as the primary use of the hangar is related to aviation.

Most Americans think that if they can get to the mall, they are free. This proposed rule change is another piece of evidence that they are not free. We need smarter voters.