Consequently, Arizona passed it's own new immigration enforcement bill. Most Americans endorse this bill -- even a majority of US citizens of Hispanic heritage! Unlike Congress and the Whitehouse, the Governor of Arizona, Janet Brewer, gave a very articulate and well-reasoned statement on why Arizona (like all other States) need their new immigration-enforcement legislation. That reason is simply that Congress and the Whitehouse fail to enforce existing and badly needed immigration laws. She explained that somebody has to do it, so Arizona will do what they can to enforce federal immigration laws within their borders.
Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution:
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion....
Hey, Congress! Hey, Mr. President! How're ya doin' on that? An estimated 3,000 new invaders cross our borders every day! Eight percent of births in the US are to parents who are here illegally!
Federal politicians think we voters and taxpayers are stupid enough to believe that we need "comprehensive" immigration reform. (Comprehensive means that amnesty is the major part of reform.) What we really need is full enforcement of existing laws with the assistance of local and state law enforcement agencies. The only "comprehensive" reform needed is in the halls of Congress and in the Whitehouse -- a moral and ethical reform that restores the US Constitution and the rule of law.
For decades, Congress and the Whitehouse have been grossly negligent in adequately protecting our borders from an overwhelming invasion of illegal aliens. This negligence has resulted in a situation which is rapidly becoming irreparable. Further delay in courageously attacking the problem will only further exacerbate the problem. If this invasion is allowed to continue, I have serous concerns about which language will be dominant in this nation, which constitution will guide our laws, and which national flag will fly over our government buildings.
• If we can't establish English as the nation's official language now, who will be required to learn what language if we allow 20-30 million illegal workers to become voters?
• If we can't control our illegal immigration problem now, how will we control the problem if we allow 20-30 million illegal workers to become voters?
• If we can't terminate the nation's "anchor baby" scam now, what will life be like in the United States if we allow 20-30 million illegal workers to become voters?
• If we can't eliminate taxpayer-funded education, health-care, benefits, and entitlements for illegal immigrants now, where will the money come from to pay for those programs if we allow 20-30 million illegal workers to become voters?
• If we can't control employers who give jobs and under-the-table wages to illegal immigrants now, what the job market be like if we allow 20-30 million illegal workers to become voters?
• If we can't get Congress, the Whitehouse, government agencies, and even presidential candidates to take down Spanish-language websites now, will politicians need websites in English if we allow 20-30 million illegal workers to become voters?
How bad is illegal immigration? It is estimated that ten percent of Mexico's citizens now lives in the US! Fifteen percent of Mexico's labor force is working in the US! In 2005, Mexico received a record $20 billion in remittances to family members from migrant workers living in the US! That is equal to Mexico's 2004 income from oil exports and dwarfs its tourism revenue! Immigration is out of control, and Congressmen (Harry Reid, D-NV) say we're racist if we citizens are concerned! (Political tactic #1: If you know your position is wrong, call the other side an ugly name.)
The last US president to have any courage whatsoever on the issue was Eisenhower! I expect nothing less from our current president! The mere existence of congressional and Whitehouse websites in Spanish is proof enough that US politicians hold no loyalty to US citizens and legal voters.
Other than restoring the slave class (Didn't we fight a war over that issue?) in our nation, what do congressmen and presidents gain by pandering to those who violate our borders? Votes from an ever-expanding dependent class!
Please remember that past amnesties for illegals -- the "one-time-only" amnesty of 1986 for nearly 3 million illegals and the six subsequent amnesties -- did not solve anything!
Even though an overwhelming majority of American citizens disapprove of granting amnesty 20-30 million illegals, out-of-touch politicians continue to endorse a policy that has already failed in Congress and in the real world.
One intended result of the current amnesty push is that if a person has legal status in the US, no member of that person's family -- regardless of immigration status -- can be deported! This is an open invitation for every illegal who pays the token $500 fine to smuggle in his entire family! Approximately 80 percent of illegals are male. So, if you add a wife and two or three children, a couple of parents and a mother-in-law, we will not increase out population by the few million authorities say are are here now, but by upwards of 50 or 60 million! Every politician knows these staggering numbers. They know the cost is unsustainable. They simply don't care so long as they increase the voting clout of the dependent class.
One of the federal government's primary job is defense of the nation. While it is fighting two (probably futile) wars to enable individual liberty in two far-away nations, the "leadership" of this nation is surrendering our own sovereignty and identity to foreign invaders.
Congress and the Whitehouse must stop stalling and act now! I urge Congress and the Whitehouse to support a plan to immediately:
• Enforce all existing immigration and border-control laws. Congress must immediately give the Administration all resources needed to do so.
• Establish an adequate barrier to illegal immigration on our borders and coasts through increased border patrol agents, increased use of technology, formal use of volunteer “Minutemen” monitors (President Bush erroneously calls them vigilantes), and armed military troops. Mine the borders if necessary!
• Stop jailing border guards for doing their jobs!
• Stop so-called anchor-baby citizenship. Stop giving citizenship to anyone born in the United States unless one or both parents are already US citizens. The 14th Amendment was intended to give citizenship to the children of slaves -- not to the children of invaders!
• Provide incentives for employers to verify each employee thorough a computerized database base. Establish felony criminal and civil penalties for employers who hire illegal aliens. Require employers to pay the costs of all government services provided to illegal immigrants in their employ. Without an economic incentive to stay in the US, most illegals will self-deport.
• Establish felony criminal penalties for anyone who offers sanctuary to illegal immigrants.
• Prohibit humanitarian aid (including medical, housing, and food) to illegals other than that which is necessary to expedite their return home.
• Encourage state and local police agencies to help enforce immigration law as Arizona is doing.
• Establish English as the official language of the United States.
• Ban all federal websites in foreign languages except for those dealing with tourism, international commerce, and State Department functions. There is absolutely no legitimate reason for any member of Congress to have a website in any language other than English.
• Ban all federal services and publications (especially ballots) in foreign languages except for those dealing with tourism, international commerce, and State Department functions.
• Abandon the scam known as “guest-workers.” This term has only been developed to obfuscate the fact that our government has been grossly negligent in controlling an invasion by foreign nationals.
• Require the man occupying the Whitehouse provide proof of citizenship.
Every pro-amnesty congressman must reevaluate his lenient position on illegal immigration. We need congressmen and a president with the courage and integrity to immediately do what is right for the future of our national sovereignty, culture, and integrity. These simple steps are long-overdue steps in the right direction.

Related books:

On The Immorality of Illegal Immigration: A Priest Poses an Alternative Christian View

The Immigration Crisis: Immigrants, Aliens, and the Bible

The New Case Against Immigration: Both Legal and Illegal
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