Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa and Representative Darrell Issa of California are virtually alone in Congress in the effort to get to the bottom of this egregious scandal. Because they do not have the support of their fellow Congressmen, this effort to get information from the ATF and the Department of Justice (DOJ) has been consistently stonewalled.
I am outraged that the ATF and the DOJ engaged in this trafficking of arms to Mexican drug cartels. I am outraged that the ATF and the DOJ (including Attorney General Eric "My People" Holder, whom I warned Congress was an enemy of the Constitution during his confirmation process) are covering up this scandal. I am outraged that the DOJ and the ATF are defying Congress on this issue. But most of all, I am outraged that most in Congress are not also outraged that the ATF and the DOJ are defying Congress!
I expect every congressman to immediately join Senator Grassley and Representative Issa in holding the ATF and the DOJ fully accountable. I expect every congressman to immediately join Senator Grassley and Representative Issa in identifying every bureaucrat, political appointee, and elected official who knew about and/or approved this program. I expect every congressman to immediately join Senator Grassley and Representative Issa in removing from office and prosecuting every bureaucrat, political appointee, and elected official who knew about and/or approved this program. There must be no partisanship or scapegoating of low-level government employees, concerned gun dealers, or law-abiding gun owners!
This bureaucratic defiance of the people and the people's elected representatives must not be tolerated! If every congressman does not immediately and aggressively join this fight, I must assume that Congress approves the egregious actions of the ATF and the DOJ.

It took an awful long time, but my congressional representative, Jim Matheson (a Democrat), finally joined a congressional petition ( to Obama to get the Administration to open up on Project Gunrunner/Fast and Furious. I just wrote Matheson again to repeat my challenge to him to join Representative Darrell Issa in leading the congressional investigation into this scandal.