It's unfortunate that New Mexico and Nevada dropped Utah permit holders because they think our training inadequate. Actually, many Utah Concealed Firearm Instructors provide live-fire training to students who need or want it -- often at no extra charge -- even though Utah does not require it.
I am unalterably opposed to being required to undergo training or permitting of any kind just to exercise a right specifically enumerated in the US and Utah Constitutions. Should people get training? Yes. Should it be required by law? As one who makes a few bucks a year teaching gun safety classes, I say no, we already have more than enough laws to manage criminal and negligent behavior.
Instead of banning Utah permits, Nevada and New Mexico need to follow the examples of the several states with no training requirement whatsoever. People in those states carry guns just as safely -- or more so -- as do citizens in the states with burdensome training and permitting requirements.
Training is important, but a comparison of the various States shows that it does not demonstrably improve safety as it relates to concealed carry by law-abiding citizens. But, more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens does deter criminal behavior (See More Guns, Less Crime by John R. Lott below).
If there is to be mandatory gun safety training of any kind, it needs to be for every student from K through 12. A few hours of age-appropriate gun safety training spread through those 13 years of a child's life will save a lot more lives than New Mexico's imposition of live-fire training that is required only of holders of concealed weapon permits.
Related books:

More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws, Third Edition

Armed-Citizen Solution To Crime In The Streets: So Many Criminals, So Few Bullets

Gun Facts
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