Monday, June 27, 2011

Soccer and illegal immigration

Over the weekend the US men's soccer team played Mexico in an international Gold Cup final in Los Angeles and lost, 4-2.

To add insult to injury, the crowd was pro-Mexican The awards ceremony was in Spanish. And, the US team and anthem were booed all around.

Is there anyone in Washington DC who understands and cares about the gravity and urgency of our nation's illegal immigration problem?

Article IV, Section 4 of the US Constitution says, "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion...." How are we doing on that?

Our borders and immigration laws must immediately be vigorously enforced! Mine the borders if necessary!

Absolutely no citizenship, legal-resident status, amnesty, or guest-worker status for anyone who has ever crossed our borders illegally!

Terminate the nation's "anchor baby" scam now!

Ban taxpayer-funded education, health-care, benefits, and entitlements for illegal immigrants!

English must be established as the nation's official language of the nation and all government functions, publications and websites (except tourism and very few State Department functions) must be only in English!

Establish federal felony criminal penalties for any person -- including federal, state, and local government officials -- or organization which offers sanctuary to illegal immigrants.

The federal government must cooperate with -- not sue -- state and local governments to identify and deport all who have invaded our borders!

Again: Is there anyone in Washington DC who understands and cares about the gravity and urgency of our nation's illegal immigration problem?

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